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                 When you laugh, it stimulates nearly all of the large organs, activating them to work more efficiently. Really, a good hearty laugh is like internal exercise because our energy system gets a good workout.

Laughter also promotes an overall sense of well-being which is partly due to its role in lowering stress.

In 2005, a study at the Univeristy of Maryland School of Medicine found that patients who were shown funny movies averaged 22% blood vessel dilation. Blood vessel dilation helps the heart and in so doing, improves
cardiovascular health. In this way, laughing thereby helps to prevent heart disease.

Moreover, laughter is known to trigger endorphins, the
"feel good" hormones in the brain, which can even
temporarily relieve pain.

Fast Facts

Babies begin to laugh by three months of age which is considered to be an important milestone in their language development and socialization.


The most wasted of all days is one  without laughter.                   
                                             E. E. Cummings

Humor therapy uses the natural physiological process of laughter to help relieve physical and emotional stresses and discomfort.


As early as the 13th century, surgeons used humor in order to distract their patients from pain.


Laughter enhances oxygen intake