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A well-spent day brings happy sleep.

                                     ~ Leonardo da Vinci

        Sleep is probably one of the most under-appreciated requirements of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep doesn't just provide much-needed rest but it also is a time for the body to renew and regenerate itself on a cellular level.

Furthermore, in today's society, more often than not, we find that what sleep we do get is not quality sleep. Prolonged stress is a major factor in restless sleep as is a poor meal schedule.

For good sleep, it is essential to have a consistent supply of blood sugar during sleep. However, when we eat after dinner, eat too large a dinner, or eat dinner too close to bedtime, it forces the body to digest food when it should be doing other functions such as burning fat.

During sleep, more calories are burned from fat reserves
in the body because there is a period of 11-12 hours
between meals during which time, in a fit individual,
fuel regulation has already burned existing
calories from carbohydrates and proteins.

Fast Facts

The average person will spend approximately one-third of their life sleeping.


Typically, it takes seven minutes to fall asleep.


Sleep deprivation of about ten days will result in death.


In eight hours of sleep, you will change your body position at least twelve times on the average.


Normal sleep is the progression through five stages which are defined by varying electrical patterns within the brain.