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Managing your time is key to a sense of well-being because it allows you the power to be in control of your hours. The helplessness of feeling that there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that you need to, or want to, can be overwhelming and in many cases, mentally crippling.

Time management experts all agree that the first step to taking control of your time is to identify priorities. Often we unwittingly spend time doing things that don't bring us satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, or personal enjoyment.

Once we are aware of what is the most important to us, then we can start to really use our time wisely. And it is worth noting that a wise use of time               doesn't necessarily have to be a productive use of time. Sometimes                    the simple act of devoting a single hour to a nap or sitting                         outside in the fresh air can do wonders for you.

                           As with many new practices, it's best to begin with small                            changes and then gradually expand on them. So, take a                             minute, decide what your priorities are, and then make time                             for them, discarding anything that is squandering your hours.

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Set aside an hour every three days to prepare a few days' worth of fresh food so that it will be ready to grab and go. Cook vegetables, cut fruit, and/or put together single-serving sizes of lettuce for salads.


Whenever possible, combine activities. If you live close to stores, walk to them for exercise on those occasions when you need just a few, easy to carry, items.


Learn to be firm about protecting your time and get in the habit of saying NO. It may not work all of the time but it will most definitely limit your obligations to others while freeing more of your time.

Quote about Time Management